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Showing posts from November, 2013

Is Industrial Real Estate Expensive in Chennai, India

No. It purely depends on where you want to be. It is simple, if an industry wanted to be at fully developed area with broader access road and an easy access to the required infrastructure like power, water etc... Then obviously they have the price for it. You would be surprised to note that, if the same industry opts to buy land in the developing area they can buy at 50% less or at 1/3rd of the price. It is Chicken-Egg case, wherein village panchayat will not invest in larger infrastructure unless there is a need for it. Many of us under the impression that village access road means it would be too narrow. Not necessarily, check with the local panchayat and the revenue records. One would be surprise to note that official road width would be much larger than they could see physically. Take that extra effort, go 4-5 kms inside and surely will get land at much cheaper price. If we look back to 80s and 90s, most of the industries (Indian Industries) were all situated